

  • Educational Data Mining to Support Programming Learning Using ProblemSolving Data
  • Implementation of a Secure Storage Using Blockchain for PCAFRF Sensor Data of PlateLike Structures
  • Dynamic Monitoring of Mining Destruction on Coal Seam Floor With Constrained TimeLapse Resistivity Imaging Inversion
  • Analysis and Prediction of Students Academic Performance Based on Educational Data Mining
  • A Novel Unsupervised DataDriven Method for Electricity Theft Detection in AMI Using Observer Meters
  • Unsupervised Outlier Detection for MixedValued Dataset Based on the Adaptive kNearest Neighbor Global Network
  • Educational Data Mining A Bibliometric Analysis of an Emerging Field
  • Exploration and Visualization of Learning Behavior Patterns From the Perspective of Educational Process Minin
  • Deblending of SimultaneousSource Seismic Data Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network
  • An Optimized Multisource Bilinear Convolutional Neural Network Model for Flame Image Identification of Coal Mine
  • Diffraction Extraction Using a LowRank Matrix Approximation Method
  • System Failure Detection Using Deep Learning Models Integrating Timestamps With Nonuniform Intervals
  • Deeply Trained RealTime Body Sensor Networks for Analyzing the Symptoms of Parkinsons Disease
  • Student Retention Using Educational Data Mining and Predictive Analytics A Systematic Literature Review
  • Machine Learning Algorithms for COPD Patients Readmission Prediction A Data Analytics Approach
  • An Efficient Data Mining Technique for Assessing Satisfaction Level With Online Learning for Higher Education Students During the COVID19
  • Automatic Conversion of Event Data to Event Logs Using CNN and Event Density Embedding
  • Research on Performance Evaluation of Urban Furniture Function Design Based on Internet of Things Digitization
  • Mining Transactional Databases for Frequent and HighUtility Fuzzy Sequential Patterns With Time Intervals
  • Privacy Preserving Data Mining Framework for Negative Association Rules An Application to Healthcare Informatics
  • Fatality Prediction for Motor Vehicle Collisions Mining Big Data Using Deep Learning and Ensemble Methods
  • Construction and Evaluation of a HighQuality Corpus for Legal Intelligence Using Semiautomated Approaches
  • Private True Data Mining Differential Privacy Featuring Errors to Manage InternetofThings Data
  • Earth Observation Semantic Data Mining Latent Dirichlet AllocationBased Approach
  • Multimodal Event Processing A NeuralSymbolic Paradigm for the Internet of Multimedia Things